Since this is October and Halloween is fast approaching, I thought this would make the perfect video to sit on the homepage for awhile. This is one of my all time favorites. All I want to do is eat your Brains. A true geek classic.
Since this is October and Halloween is fast approaching, I thought this would make the perfect video to sit on the homepage for awhile. This is one of my all time favorites. All I want to do is eat your Brains. A true geek classic.
4 dislikers.
once bitchin brains
All we want to do is eat your brain!
lol…my names paul
because it is
anybody else know how it took the people i year to get the most little bit of likes o.o
best song ever
im not surprised toby made one for left for dead
Come to think of it, there’s a movie called a little bit zombie that’s about a half zombie half human, and he talks. But he doesn’t eat many people, if he can help it.
You know what might be cool, is a thing where zombies can talk. I’d really like to hear more of their opinions.
Look up tobygames left 4 dead
LOL! my bf told me about this song! XD thank you paul! XD
I first heard this song on left 4 dead 2 on the parish
All we wanna do is eat your brain
Jonathon coulton is awesome
Modern zombie= Undead cannibal
Original zombie= Dead person brought back to life to serve a necromancer
Thats a pretty big change……
Please… in Resident Evil 5, they can throw grenades and shoot AK-47s lol
Tom disliked and then his ghost disliked it again
Left 4 Dead 2 Brings me here!