Since this is October and Halloween is fast approaching, I thought this would make the perfect video to sit on the homepage for awhile. This is one of my all time favorites. All I want to do is eat your Brains. A true geek classic.
Since this is October and Halloween is fast approaching, I thought this would make the perfect video to sit on the homepage for awhile. This is one of my all time favorites. All I want to do is eat your Brains. A true geek classic.
I want to hear this at Six Flags Great America Fright Fest when they do
their parade!
Is this on iTunes?
+I Luv Pie
My dad is a weirdo. He has this song… I heard it when he was driving me
to school. 🙂 not kidding…
Watching reruns of walking dead….this song streaming thru my head.
This song came from l4d
I listened to this on left for dead2 as nick #leftfordead2 #left for dead 2
I just heard a song on the radio where the chorus sounded just like this
(not the words but the melody)…. this song hasn’t made it to radio has
I am going to sing this when there is a zombie invation
*eats taco* ….
We’ve got 7 Toms here : P
jukeboxes. keep hitting the action button and you’ll get to this song. be warned it starts a mini horde. i kinda fucked my friends over by accident.
you should play this while playing left 4 dead 2 versus
your suppose to find this song in the game, where exactly do I find it?
wow so cool most people say that this song is made for boys………….its not
The nostalgia. It hurts.
Uh uhj hmm jimmy iui ok hi
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