Google and Verizon get in bed together and talk dirty about Net neutrality, while HP’s CEO is ousted with shame on his face. Plus: Verizon iPhone returns.
Original CNET video at:
Google and Verizon get in bed together and talk dirty about Net neutrality, while HP’s CEO is ousted with shame on his face. Plus: Verizon iPhone returns.
Original CNET video at:
This doesn’t seem like it was that long ago…
Ha! I heard about this woman J. Fisher when working in SilVall@HP years ago. Stop looking at the guy and note for a moment the situation. The proof is in the books and the number won’t lie. Some really need to be seen and heard and walk all over people to get what they want. Funny how these things are coming up now, but hey HP I did not sleep under your machines and kept my nose to the grind stone. Scuttle but had it she was a drag on him. Never met either one, just shop talk, hope that helps.