The sequel to the critically acclaimed “Batman: Arkham Asylum” is announced with a title and release date, Saudia Arabia shuts off BlackBerry service overnight, and Apple’s next iPod Touch may be getting a front-facing camera, if leaked photos are authentic.
iPhone unlock -website :
they already did
Attention seeker!
It was the light sensor -.-
ORRR a speaker!!
It’s already a fact, it WILL have a front facing camera and rear facing camera. And there is a 70% chance of Apple branching out to Verizon for a new Iphone in January. This new phone may have some hardware and software differences from the current At&t Iphone 4. You’ve just been loaded lol, that doesn’t sound right.
apple always trys to satisfy their consumers in everyway they possibly can…they listen to the people
apple will put a camera
i heard theyre trying to start facetime via email
im all for the new ipod touch with the front camera, but, how will they be able to facetime if they dont have a phone number?
the ipad is 2 big 2 be a camera
I ment the ipod touch cus if it had a camera, people might buy that instead of the iPhone, they would be too much alike (at least for apple)
the ipod nano has a camera…