You can now stream Netflix on your iPhone or iPod, Craigslist is being asked to stop their adult services section, and you can make voice calls in Gmail.
You can now stream Netflix on your iPhone or iPod, Craigslist is being asked to stop their adult services section, and you can make voice calls in Gmail.
right now google has free phone call to the usa and canada by using GMAIL
You look mad fruity dude, shave that beard.
Gmail…Free Calls…Awesome! Now I can make more $500 sales.
Make $500 With Gmail Phone..Just posted “How To” On My Channel 🙂
why is it that there’s always someone telling him to shave? I don’t think it looks bad on him…
People it’s out for the iPhone search ittttt on the AppStore!!!!!!! :d
the phone to console so far sounds like the Pokewalker or that rare PS1 memory card thing… well w/e people carry a phone around more then one of them
Time to break out those DOW 10,000 hats, again!
Man it’s stupid to care this much about Youtube comments… dumb-ass.
craigslsit is still good on adult prostitution right?
dude shave!!!
MsAnastasiaBHousen is a bigger bitch than me
thumbs up if you agree
no, you retarded?