CNET’s Ina Fried talks with Nev and Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost–the three men behind the other Facebook movie. This one is a documentary and a thriller.
CNET’s Ina Fried talks with Nev and Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost–the three men behind the other Facebook movie. This one is a documentary and a thriller.
You know that they don’t have any control over how their producers advertise the film? It’s like if you put a movie out about how your boring life and your producer said PAID other reviewers to say nice things..
OMG, i know Henry Joost, I am so excited…..!
Congratulation for your success. keep going.
OMG, i know Henry Joost, I am so excited…..!
that’s complete bollocks. she wasn’t sick at all, probably just lonely. and the boys were so curtious/lovely about it when some people would have been very rude (and rightfully so) about the whole thing.
A catfish is a liar, a wannabe fish…but ends up turnng ugly, with an ugly truth..
You exploited a very sick woman. Shame on you.
you 3 owe me 10 fucking dollars and 2 hours of my life back…..HOW dare you mention hitchcok to prostitute your “movie”
I hate the fact youtube has ads now. Where aren’t these darn things at now? UGH!