This is a music video about the life of the common lowlands code monkey. Jonathan Coulton is a singer/songwriter who releases his songs via the Creative Commons license, which enables projects such as this video. Through his “Thing A Week” podcast, Jonathan has put out a clever, creative song like this one every week for a year. Mike Spiff Booth is a Program Manager at Adobe who thought this great song really deserved a video. Before you ask, since apes, goblins, and night elf receptionists don’t tend to interact much in the wild, he couldn’t only use captured game footage to make this video. Every frame of this video was composited together by hand using images captured from the WoW Model Viewer, WoW Map Viewer, and the World of Warcraft game itself. No monkeys were harmed in the making of this film. Please visit for more information about his videos, including info about how he makes them. The song at the end of the video is “Big Bad World One”, another great Jonathan Coulton song.
Still a better love story than Twilight
I would listen to this sometimes, only knowing this was called Code Monkey and nothing about who made the song because I’m oblivious as heck. Then, like three months ago, my friend read aloud the lyrics to Skullcrusher Mountain and two other songs by Jonathon Coulton. When he was done, he said that Jonathon Coulton has quite a lot of songs, like Code Monkey and Big Bad World One. My mind was blown to hear this song was one of his. Can’t believe it took me so long to figure it out.
dat old goblin model
Hi guys, please check my video of How To Make A Black Hole In WoW (and the consequences) and also please thumbs up so other people may see it!
I discovered this song yesterday while playing Osu! and that’s such a masterpiece.
Silly question, and I don’t know if this has been asked, but what outfit is the night elf girl wearing at 2:44 ?
At the time, WoW had no monkey model.
Gorilla was the closest possible.
Code Monkeys are not monkeys either. They’re apes. Your argument is invalid.
spiff i think its brilliant ^^ ignore ever hater and listen to the lovers
this was probably one of the first videos i saw on youtube.
Monday Tune
No encuentro el boton “Me Encanta”
Thanks A LOT, +Scott Bilik*!
#EarwormersAssemble !
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this song literally brought a tear to my eye because of the memories
associated with it.
DAMN i literally can’t believe it’s been 7 years since i saw this for the
first time. Shit i’m old now…
I have been watching these videos for a good 5 years allmost every day
please can you make one more 🙂
The one “person” I identify with is a fictitious pixel monkey. Sad face.
Code monkey very simple man …
+Ed Tuthill bring back memories???