This is a music video about the life of the common lowlands code monkey. Jonathan Coulton is a singer/songwriter who releases his songs via the Creative Commons license, which enables projects such as this video. Through his “Thing A Week” podcast, Jonathan has put out a clever, creative song like this one every week for a year. Mike Spiff Booth is a Program Manager at Adobe who thought this great song really deserved a video. Before you ask, since apes, goblins, and night elf receptionists don’t tend to interact much in the wild, he couldn’t only use captured game footage to make this video. Every frame of this video was composited together by hand using images captured from the WoW Model Viewer, WoW Map Viewer, and the World of Warcraft game itself. No monkeys were harmed in the making of this film. Please visit for more information about his videos, including info about how he makes them. The song at the end of the video is “Big Bad World One”, another great Jonathan Coulton song.
just so you know…. if i every get to audition for xfactor or american idol then i will sing this song if i get picked…. somewhere along the way…. its an amazing song
Hi Vechz 😀
Big warm fuzzy secret heart. :3
World of Warcraft 60 day PRE PAID GAME CARD CODE
tinyfileshost. com/download/117646/VmYmIxY/1
filespeedy. net/download/117646/YzA4O
This was nearly 8 years ago.. Fuck
did you forget what you type?
“It’s true. Homo sapiens is a part of the ape family.”
were you the only one with an opinion?
So you feel empowered with your hands on the keyboard, or what ever it is your touching?
Tell me, when your not playing with yourself, do you have a hobby?
You do know there’s know hell? Right?
…………LIVE for GOOD …….
Don’t you just love the duality of those that sell you this bullshit?
Almost everything you’ve been taught, see or think you know is a Lie, Hoax or Fraud.
… IX XI …
see YouTube: Season of Treason Full
see YouTube: Syncretism The Magnum Opus
see YouTube: The Starch Solution
Code Monkey Vegan.
What the hell does this have to do with code monkeys?
Chimpanzee are genetically close to Humans, they thrive on ‘simple sugars’ from plants, perfectly tuned with their short digestive systems; whereas Humans have longer digestive systems, making it easier to extract more nutrients, over longer periods of time from cooked starch. What separates Humans from Chimpanzee is that we can cook, eat and store starch. Paleo man was a Starchavore.
The Starch Solution
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
The China Study
In 1975, I switched from my Vegan life style to the new Paleo Diet, “to get bigger & stronger”; ten months ago, at age 50, I almost died from Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Type II Diabetes, Kidney Stones, Gout and Prostate Issues. I switched back to VEGAN, and have completely reversed or cured ALL of the above Diseases and Issues.
The Starch Solution
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
The China Study
Omg.. The memories… I’m gonna cry
It’s true. Homo sapiens is a part of the ape family.
It seems weird, but, well, so do many other things.
Man, Vanilla was the shit.,
well i don’t think code apes would go well in this song
something about this video speaks to me so much…… maybe cuz im a code slinging monkey who loves wow and youtube…..
why do java programmers wear glasses?
because they don’t C#
Happy Programmer’s Day.
Had to share this for all you music loving Code Monkeys like me.